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Smoke Screen: The Truth Behind the Tobacco Industry Cover-up, by Philip Hilts, hardcover (very good condition)


A full expose of the tobacco industry's 40 year war on the health of every American. The secrets, denials, delaying tactics, & out-right lies that the tobacco industry has foisted on us all are documented in this by turns shocking, fascinating, & infuriating page turner, as Hilts unravels what may be the most deceitful & deadly marketing campaign in history. Cuts right to the heart of what has enraged the American public. The clearest statement he heard from RJR executives came in a Q&A period at a sales meeting. Someone asked who the youngsters were that were being targeted, jr. high school kids, or younger? The reply 'They got lips? We want 'em.'

Smoke Screen: The Truth Behind the Tobacco Industry Cover-up

SKU: 8-024
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